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A Complete Guide to 334/S4/Sannam/S10, Teja/S17, Byadgi, Wrinkled 273 Red Chillies, Chilli Powder & Chilli Flakes & Fresh Red Chilli

Red chillies are a staple spice worldwide, known for their spicy flavor, deep red color, and rich aroma. India, particularly Guntur (Andhra Pradesh) and Byadgi (Karnataka), is the largest producer and exporter of high-quality red chillies.

In this blog, we’ll explore different varieties of red chillies, processed chilli products, and fresh red chillies, along with their uses, benefits, and global demand.

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Dry Red Chilli Wholesalers, Suppliers & Exporters – Premium Quality for Global Markets

dry red chilli

Dry Red Chilli is one of the most widely used spices across the world, adding spice, color, and aroma to various cuisines. As a trusted wholesaler, supplier, and exporter of Dry Red Chilli, we offer high-quality chillies sourced from the finest farms in India. We specialize in a variety of premium dry red chillies, including 334/S4/Sannam/S10, Teja/S17, Byadgi, as well as Chilli Powder and Chilli Flakes, catering to the diverse needs of the food and spice industries.

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7 Common Things To Know Before Choosing The Right Long Rice Supplier

A staple diet for most people worldwide is rice. Despite being the second most widely produced staple food in the world, given the data on the global population; it is both economically grown and consumed in large numbers. Furthermore, rice is referred to be the king of most rice since it is an excellent dietary source of proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates. While it is currently consumed at a higher rate in Eastern developing nations, traditional Western regions are also experiencing an abrupt spike in demand for it. As a result, it offers many of the benefits that are accessible. Global rice export volumes significantly grew throughout this period.

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Different types of red chilli powder & its uses

Today, hundreds of chilli pepper types are grown in India, comprising the famous ghost pepper, Kashmiri, and Guntur chilli. Each type of chilli has a distinctive flavour profile, colour, intensity, and level of heat. This means there is an ideal chilli for your food product, whatever it may be. There are furthermore several alternatives for new singular spices or spice mixes using these Indian chilli peppers.

If you’re inquisitive about how you can use these Indian chilli powders in your products, then contact us to find out the possibilities.

Before we begin, however, it’s significant to define the spices. When we talk about Indian chilli powder, chile powder, and North American chilli powder, we are speaking about three distinct kinds of spices.

In North America, the name “chilli powder” typically refers to a spice blend, whereas “chile powder” is made just from chile peppers. Most chilli powders found in North American supermarkets are an assortment of ground chile, cumin, oregano, peppercorn, and salt.

Both Indian chilli powder and chile powder are distinct spices, consisting of simply one ingredient: dried, ground chilli/chile peppers. Since they can be made from any type of pepper, there is tremendous variety in heat and flavor.

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Handful Tips to Store Your Red Chilli for Longer Use

There are numerous recipes where red chili peppers are added for a unique flavor and spiciness. Either they are used in whole or grounded form, fresh or preserved form as available and according to the requirement.

Sometimes you may end up with overabundance of chili peppers growing in your home garden or may find a need to stock up red chilli powder for a year long use. Whatever be the reason, you got to learn these handful tips, if want you want to best store your red chili for longer period of time while keeping its color and flavor intact.
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It’s Time to Clear Your Doubts about Your Red Chilli Powder……….

It’s the time of the year again to stock up the red chilli powder and as Indians we definitely look out for quality but at the most economic price. But, little are we aware of the things around us. There have been several speculations about red chili powder adulteration in the past few years.
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Ten Things About Red Chilli Powder You Were Just Unaware Of

Red chilli powder is an essential component of almost every cuisine across the world whether its Indian, Mexican, Chinese, Thai, Korean or Italian. The powder is essentially made by crushing the dried red chillies of various types and hence, there are various types of red chilli powder available in the market depending upon what type of red chilli is used in preparing it.
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Questions You Should Ask Before Buying Whole Spices

Whole Spices in India

The most aromatic, the vibrantly flavorful and the freshest are the Whole Spices. Compared to the grounded ones, whole spices do instill a better aroma, taste and health factor to your food. Moreover, they retain their essential oils and hence, stay fresh for a longer period of time comparatively. With spices in whole form, you do not end up buying added contaminants along with your spices, which is usually the case with pre-ground spices. Whole Spices are mostly unadulterated.
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Buy Whole Spices

Hear the word ‘spices’ and we are like ‘yummmmmm……’. After all, it’s the spices that add flavor and aroma to your food. It’s all the magic of freshly grounded, aromatic spices that make your food the yummiest one to satisfy your taste glands.


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A Complete Guide to All Types of Indian Chillies

Types of Indian Chillies

A Complete Guide to Different Types of Indian Chillies

When we think of Indian spices, the first thing that gets to our mind is ‘CHILLI’. The hot, the pungent and the red devil amongst the spices, the red chilli is the crucial spice for Indian food where no dish is complete without a sprinkle of this exotic sizzling spice.

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